Time for some R & R!

Britannica Dictionary definition of R & R:

rest and recreation; rest and recuperation; rest and relaxation



For the past couple of years, we have used this time of the year to take a proper break from work – taking advantage of the quiet time, when most of our clients and partner organisations also enjoy holiday breaks.

This year we decided not to take the whole of July off, as we have some exciting events coming up in August and wanted to spend the...

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Connection, Community and Compassion.

Monday was a great start to the week. In the morning, we had our mid-point review with trainees in our Getting to Grips with Group Coaching programme and it was fantastic to hear what they have been inspired by, what they shared to inspire each other and how they intend to develop their own group coaching courses and programmes. They have two more modules to navigate before we conclude towards the end of March, and Michele and I are so encouraged by what they bring to the sessions.

And in the...

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The Fallow Field

As we draw near to the end of another busy work year, Michele and I were reflecting  on what we can learn from our chosen business name: Acorn Principle Plus.

The metaphor has been the inspiration behind the new community we are nurturing, from Acorns to Oaks and, to go deeper down this route, we are intentionally becoming more aligned to the changing seasons in our approach to our work; something we will explore further over the coming year.

Nature has much to teach us about...

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What might happen if you decide to live? (Revised July 2022)

Isn’t it amazing how a short, 10 minute video can change your whole perspective and reawaken ghosts of the past? Ted Talk: “Draw your Future” by Patti Dobrowolski had this effect on me recently. Not because the talk brought new knowledge or fresh wisdom but because it ignited in me some heartfelt memories of some very powerful visions that I’ve been privileged to encounter. As a Coach (and trainer of coaches) I use vision in different ways with coaching clients and...

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Yearning for Open Spaces (August 2022)

When I think about what I missed most during lock-down a few things come to mind: going to the cinema, seeing live music or going to a restaurant with friends.  These things are great, and I love that I can do them again. However, they are all forms of entertainment and the good feelings they generate don’t tend to last much longer than the activity itself.

The thing that I really missed was getting out into the middle of a wood, on top of a wide-open hill or next too (and often...

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Only 994 Miles to go, by Raymy Boyle

I’m what you call an off/on jogger – and for the last 6 months it’s been mostly off. I realised that when I have something to aim for, I can usually sustain a regular running routine. Last year, I trained for and then completed the Edinburgh half Marathon – which was great!  For the 3 months leading up to the run at the end of May I more or less stuck to my training programme and enjoyed as much as I endured the run itself. And then….. I pretty much stopped...

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From Humble Beginning Come Great Things (Revised December 2021)

While out walking in the glorious April sunshine, I was reflecting on my past, my present and my future - not at all in keeping with the spirit of mindfulness which usually accompanies me on my walks. 

My past - from humble beginnings...

Who knew, when this picture was taken, what lay ahead for me?  Who knew, as a child in the 60's, what my life story would hold. Looking back over the years I am grateful for this life I've led, for the people I've met along the way and for the world...

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